Contemporary art programming at Amaala (Saudi Arabia)



Strategic positioning, economic modeling

Context and challenges:

Amaala is a future large-scale cultural and tourist site in Saudi Arabia. The designers of the Art & Culture project aim to give the site an international profile, in particular by proposing a contemporary art biennial and a film festival with distinctive positioning, and by defining a large-scale prefiguration strategy for the site.

Our role:

The Amaala teams called on Beaux Arts Consulting to define a differentiating positioning for these different events and an associated business model:

  • Positioning study: benchmarking of international art biennials and film festivals, and development of differentiating positioning scenarios in line with the project’s DNA,
  • Economic modeling of the target vision,
  • Prefiguration strategy: event format proposals, international touring exhibition projects,
  • Support for operational implementation of projects: definition of roadmap, communication strategy, identification of potential partners for the site, identification of profiles for event curation.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s support enabled Amaala’s teams to agree on a target vision for the site, and to define its artistic and cultural positioning as well as its business model.