Definition of cultural positioning and visitor experience as part of the renovation of a former airship hangar.

Client: Culture et PatrimoinE

Strategic positioning, economic modeling

The context and its challenges:

Hangar Y is the first airship hangar built for the 1878 Universal Exhibition, located in a 10-hectare park in the Meudon forest. Under the aegis of ArtNova and Culture & Patrimoine, it was rehabilitated to become a cultural and events venue focusing on the arts, sciences and nature. Beaux Arts Consulting was commissioned to define the site’s operating project, its programming and service offering (exhibitions, catering, immersive experience, etc.) and to define the visitor experience for the site.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped Hangar Y define its cultural positioning, activities and visitor experience:

  • Design of the site’s cultural and leisure offering,
  • Development of the overall economic model and 10-year operating business plan,
  • Identification of operators likely to run the selected activities
  • Selection of architects and scenographers,
  • Managing the production of content and an XR/VR experience,
  • Training guide for the site’s reception staff -Supervision of the contract with a ticketing company.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s support for this multi-year project helped to revive the Hangar Y’s heritage and history, by creating a destination for a wide variety of uses (cultural, leisure, events), in conjunction with the city of Meudon’s other cultural sites, and helping to enliven the area. In particular, Beaux Arts Consulting’s teams supported the production of an augmented reality experience to meet the challenge of combining large-scale events with the visitor path, and to bring the site’s history to life for the general public.