Strategic support in defining the project to create a “Cité de la Toile de Jouy” (Museum, Research, Manufacture)

Client : Agglomération Versailles Grand Parc

2021 – 2024
Strategic positioning, economic modeling, new audiences

Context and challenges:

The Musée de la Toile de Jouy, located in Jouy-en-Josas, near Versailles, is a municipal museum with an exceptional heritage linked to the industrial and commercial history of the Oberkampf factory and printed canvas. The local authorities wish to extend its cultural project and promote the age-old technique of Toile de Jouy, and through the creation of a Cité de la Toile, a hub of activity around textiles combining research, teaching and a resource and creation center, to make the museum a destination for the region’s economic, tourist and cultural development.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting, assisted by the 104Paris cultural engineering team and Fidal, helped teams from the Versailles Grand Parc Urban Community, the town of Jouy-en-Josas and the Musée de la Toile de Jouy to define the project:

  • Inventory and assessment of the existing situation,
  • Benchmark and interview inspirational players and analyze the region’s competitive landscape,
  • Definition of positioning scenarios through participative workshops held with the different stakeholders,
  • Definition of Cité de la Toile’s activities and target audiences,
  • Business model and overview of financial partners to be mobilized,
  • Proposal of a governance scheme and constitution and organization of the steering committee.

Impact and follow-up:

This mission enabled us to precisely define the positioning and activities of the Cité de la Toile, as well as the associated target audiences, in order to promote the history and heritage of the area. Following this mission, Versailles Grand Parc called on Beaux Arts Consulting to help them put together an application for the “Pôles Territoriaux d’industries culturelles et créatives” call for expressions of interest.