Definition of an art exhibition space


Positioning, economic modeling, new audiences

Context and challenges:

One of France’s oldest champagne Maisons has been committed to supporting art and contemporary creation since its creation. This commitment takes the form of commissioning several works of art each year. However, the company wanted to take this commitment a step further by designing an artistic space within its historic site in Reims. This project is part of a wider plan to transform the site and the visitor experience.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped the Champagne Maison define an artistic space and its implementation:

  • Review of inspiration: corporate and/or craft museums, innovative mediation offerings, contemporary art centers,
  • Internal (interviews with project stakeholders, site visit, definition of brand identity) and external (territory, competition) diagnosis and assessment,
  • Development of positioning scenarios with associated macro-estimates,
  • Definition of a target scenario with a differentiating positioning reflecting the identity of the Maison, defined target audiences and associated development strategies, an outline of the main programmatic blocks of the future site, mediation devices,
  • Definition of how the target scenario will be implemented: business plan (investment and operating budget, resources to be mobilized), retroplanning for project implementation, governance scheme, sizing of human resources to be mobilized, definition of potential partners for the site,
  • Definition of monitoring and steering tools to track the project’s progress.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s initial study enabled La Maison to define the positioning, the main programmatic components and the implementation and monitoring procedures for the future cultural site in Reims. Based on this study, the company was able to pursue the cultural project as a whole. The site is currently under construction.