Framing and definition of the scientific and cultural project for the creation of a cultural venue in the former Palais communal of the city of Nice

Client: City of Nice

Scientific and cultural project, local grounding, development of innovative projects

Context and challenges:

As part of the redevelopment of the Saint-François district, the city of Nice intends to renovate the Palais Communal (Municipal Palace) and develop a museum dedicated to the city’s heritage, memory and history, covering the medieval and modern periods.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting, assisted by 104Ingénierie, helped the city of Nice define the cultural project for the Palais Communal in all its components: content intentions, mediation, revenue diversification and economic modelling:

  • Diagnosis of the building and summary of existing facilities, and mapping of cultural players who could be involved in the project,
  • Benchmark of cultural venues and innovative experiences for inspiration,
  • Proposal of cultural content and structuring scientific axes following interviews with these cultural and civil society players to define Nice’s culture,
  • Synthesis of items from municipal collections that could be added to the future facility,
  • Drafting of the scientific and cultural project and its summary.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s support enabled the Palais Communal, in conjunction with the city’s cultural and civil society players, to define a demanding cultural and scientific content around the history of the city of Nice and Nice culture. The Cultural and Scientific Project thus drawn up now accompanies the rehabilitation of the museum and preparations for its opening.