Co-construction of the economic model of the Philarmonie des enfants and creation of a Business Plan for the development of this new museum space

Client: Philharmonie de Paris – Cité de la Musique

Economic modeling

Context and challenges:

In preparation for the creation of the Philharmonie des enfants, a subsidiary of the Philharmonie de Paris and a new edutainment museum space, the institution wished to be assisted in compiling an application for the call for tenders “Culture Patrimoine et Numérique” (“Culture Heritage and Digital”) under the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (Investing for the Future Programme).

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped to co-construct the business model for the Philharmonie des enfants and to create a business plan for the development of this new museum space:

  • Identification of the project’s main economic assumptions during co-construction workshops, including visitor numbers, revenue sources and main costs,
  • Construction of an intelligible, easy-to-use financial model presenting all projected financial and economic results over 15 years,
  • Formalization of the file for the constitution of the project company and its financing plan.

Impact and follow-up:

The economic modeling and formalization work carried out by the Beaux Arts Consulting team enabled the Philharmonie to obtain sufficient funds from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations to bring its project to fruition. Today, following the success of its opening in Paris, the Philharmonie des enfants is planning to export its activities in France and abroad.