Strategic support for the conversion of the Wesserling park

Client: Atout France

Strategic positioning, new audiences

Context and challenges:

Created in 2019 by Atout France, in collaboration with the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, the “Reinventing Heritage” scheme aims to support heritage sites in the emergence of new economic models, uses, and audiences. The Parc de Wesserling is one of the twelve tourist sites selected by the “Réinventer le Patrimoine” (Reinventing Heritage) program to be supported in its heritage rehabilitation, focusing on culture, leisure, hotels, and restaurants. Formerly a royal factory in the Haut-Rhin region, it is now a 42-hectare site for leisure and tourism (eco-museum, remarkable garden, etc.), housing, commerce and crafts, set in a rural landscape.

Our role:

The Beaux Arts Consulting and CENTQUATRE-PARIS consortium was commissioned to help the Parc de Wesserling formalize its cultural, tourism and events project:

  • Project construction, concept definition and pre-programming study,
  • Marketing and feasibility studies,
  • Definition of experimental temporary spaces,
  • Communication activities for the Reinventing Heritage program: design of the website, production of the video manifesto, etc.

Impact and follow-up:

Based on an urban and cultural diagnostic phase and a co-construction methodology, this mission produced a cultural and tourism project to enhance the site, give it overall coherence, and create unity and links between the Park’s various uses and components.