Support for the production of an exhibition by the artist Invader


Production, project management

Context and challenges:

Assembly owns the former headquarters of Libération, a French daily newspaper, located at 11 rue Béranger in Paris, which is currently undergoing conversion and renovation. Prior to these works, the owner wished to organize a 3,500m² exhibition dedicated to Invader, in close collaboration with the artist. The exhibition will showcase the full range of the artist’s work, through photographs, videos and artwork, and will highlight one of his monumental works located on the building’s terrace. It also celebrates the installation of the artist’s 1500th work in Paris.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting coordinated the project and oversaw production of the exhibition:

  • Methodological framework and definition of the role and scope of project stakeholders (artist and building owner),
  • Drawing up and monitoring the back schedule, with all project stakeholders,
  • Monitoring the exhibition budget,
  • Sourcing service providers for the exhibition: defining needs, requesting quotes, assisting with drawing up contracts,
  • Day-to-day management and coordination of project stakeholders: artist, building owner, etc.
  • Methodological framing of the ticketing tool,
  • Setting up the visitor reception and circulation system, in conjunction with the building owner,
  • Supervision of exhibition curators,
  • Coordination and monitoring of services provided by all service providers (works, scenography, transport and hanging of works, mediation, ticketing, public reception, etc.).

Impacts and follow-up:

This mission led to the opening of the “Invader Space Station” exhibition to the general public from February 17, 2024 to May 5, 2024, with an estimated attendance of 40,000.