Design of a new public course offering for a Parisian art school

Client : Confidential

Production, project management, business model

Context and challenges:

The management of this Parisian art school wanted to overhaul its range of public courses to diversify its resources and compensate for the reduction in event-based activities, which were less in line with the school’s public service mission. The aim was to develop an innovative range of courses in keeping with the school’s identity, attracting new audiences and diversifying the school’s financial resources.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped the school build a new range of public courses:

  • Benchmark of existing artistic and cultural training opportunities in France and abroad,
  • Diagnosis of existing offer and assets, and individual interviews to identify project expectations,
  • Presentation of various course formats to be offered to different audiences: the general public, young people, companies, foreign audiences, etc.,
  • Development of a scenario for interweaving the various course formats over time,
  • 5-year economic modeling of this new offer for the general public,
  • Spatial recommendations to enable the cohabitation of spaces and public flows (amateurs, students, etc.) within the school.

Impact and follow-up:

The support provided by Beaux Arts Consulting (feasibility study, then reflection on the content of the training courses) has contributed to the creation of a new amateur curriculum within the school, from December 2020, with a sustainable economic model and a good link to all the school’s educational activities.