Strategic support for the development of its offering

Client: Realcast

Developing the commercial offer

Context and challenges:

Founded in 2017, Realcast specializes in creating interactive and immersive experiences for players in the cultural sector. In 2021 and after the success of its first immersive experiences, the company wanted to accelerate its development in France and internationally. It called on Beaux Arts Consulting’s teams to help it define its positioning and business model, as well as its commercial development strategy.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped Realcast develop its offer, define its business model and market it in France and abroad:

  • Assessment of the existing situation: competitive study, collection, and analysis of feedback on immersive experiences (interviews with ten cultural institutions in France and abroad),
  • Review of positioning and offering based on data collected during the inventory,
  • Construction of the company’s economic model and five-year business plan,
  • Definition of a financing plan: identification of potential investors, preparation of an application for the “Culture, Heritage and Digital” AMI,
  • Marketing support: creation of a presentation kit, definition of priority markets and targets, prospecting, setting up meetings and establishing contacts.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s support enabled Realcast to draw up an application file for the “Culture, Heritage and Digital” call for projects, and to initiate contact with private investors. The sales support then enabled Realcast to initiate more than 150 contacts among the identified targets, and to make more than 20 introductions to prospects in the museum and leisure sectors in France and abroad.