Assistance in setting up a consultation and selecting an operator for a Parisian heritage site


Positioning, economic modeling, new audiences, project management

Context and challenges:

The heritage site concerned was the subject of a call for urban projects as part of Réinventer Paris (Reinventing Paris), which was won by a real estate company. The latter wished to give the project a cultural and leisure dimension, and therefore asked Beaux Arts consulting to assist in the consultation process to find an operator.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting assisted the real estate group in the consultation and selection phase of the operator (or group of operators) who will be responsible for the development and operation of a heritage site:

  • Assistance in drawing up the specifications for the consultation,
  • Definition of programmatic guidelines for the concept and mix of activities (cultural and artistic, events and leisure, catering and boutique…),
  • Definition of the level of detail to be included in the specifications to ensure project coherence and comparability of bids, while leaving a margin of freedom to respondents,
  • Definition of selection criteria and analysis grid,
  • Construction of a reference business model incorporating realistic revenue and cost assumptions.

Impact and follow-up:

Beaux Arts Consulting’s support enabled the real estate group to select a future property operator by proposing guidelines for an inclusive and attractive cultural program, building a sustainable business model and designing a presentation file that met the Mairie de Paris’s requirements.