Development and consolidation of the business plan for the expansion and reinforcement of the new Aventure Michelin.



Economic modeling

Context and challenges:

As part of the redevelopment of its historic industrial park in Clermont-Ferrand, the Michelin Group wanted to relocate, increase the surface area and reinforce the ambition of its brand museum, by extending its offer (itinerary, boutique, digital platform, catering, immersive experience…) and developing its visitor numbers. In this context, the Michelin Group was looking for a formal business plan that would ensure a break-even operation and a return on investment.

Our role:

Beaux Arts Consulting helped the Michelin Group consolidate its museum business plan:

  • Assessment of the current situation: interviews with employees, site visits with visitor questionnaires, etc.
  • Held 6 thematic workshops with experts on the subjects of target audiences, ancillary services (boutique and catering), investments, human resources, etc. to build realistic hypotheses.
  • Formalization of a business plan in the form of a scalable tool that can be adapted over time.

Impact and follow-up:

This mission helped strengthen the strategic positioning of the new version of the brand museum, scheduled to open in 2028. It led to the consolidation of hypotheses and the development of a more ambitious model, both in economic terms and in terms of brand image enhancement for the industrial group’s internal and external audiences. The financial model built with the support of experts considers the specificities of the cultural sector’s economy, as well as its latest trends.